Social Superbowl Score: 11 Million to 600,000/1 million

superbowl twitterMuch is being written to day about the Superbowl ads and social media, who won, who lost, who had the best real time marketing efforts and more. It has been a big week of preparation and a big game day for Seattle, but also across the Web.  Its like the marketing Olympics or advertising bowl and now with the advent of social media we get to add a whole exciting new element.

The good people over at Radian6 were tracking the social media Superbowl and here is what they found:

  • Super Bowl mentions during the game: 11,135,924
  • Total Super Bowl mentions as of 10:55pm EST: 23,847,000

Then they list the top brand mentions during the game:

  1. Budweiser: 163,002
  2. JC Penney: 118,035
  3. H&M:  103,505
  4. Coke: 83,463
  5. Doritos: 61,985
  6. Radio Shack: 29,828
  7. Maserati: 29,558
  8. Bud Light: 20,157
  9. Chevrolet: 17,785

Total for the top 9 brands: 597,490. 

Radian6 also looks at the top hashtags overall.  Here is the list; and Im not seeing a lot of brand tags?  Most mentioned hashtags were:

  • #superbowl: 25,817
  • #sb48: 18,618
  • #bestbuds: 4,513
  • #seahawks: 4,484
  • #esurancesave30: 3,879
  • #clydesdales: 2,191
  • #gohawks: 1,433
  • #broncos: 1,211
  • #seattleseahawks: 1,183
  • #legionofboom: 1,092
  • #seattle: 987
  • #budweiser: 980
  • #nfl: 949
  • #superbowlxlviii: 864
  • #empowering: 797

 If we look at the hashtag tracking we see the top 6 hashtags (including Puppybowl) come in at: 1.2 million

Which ever way you cut the numbers, seems to me 11 million tweets about the game versus 600,000 thousand/1 million related to brands?

And you thought the game was one sided….looks like the fan and brand game was one sided too?  Just a thought that gives a little perspective on all the marketing hype we hear or read…


hashtag tracking







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