Much is being written to day about the Superbowl ads and social media, who won, who lost, who had the best real time marketing efforts and more. It has been a big week of preparation and a big game day for Seattle, but also across the Web. Its like the marketing Olympics or advertising bowl and now with the advent of social media we get to add a whole exciting new element.
The good people over at Radian6 were tracking the social media Superbowl and here is what they found:
- Super Bowl mentions during the game: 11,135,924
- Total Super Bowl mentions as of 10:55pm EST: 23,847,000
Then they list the top brand mentions during the game:
- Budweiser: 163,002
- JC Penney: 118,035
- H&M: 103,505
- Coke: 83,463
- Doritos: 61,985
- Radio Shack: 29,828
- Maserati: 29,558
- Bud Light: 20,157
- Chevrolet: 17,785
Total for the top 9 brands: 597,490.
Radian6 also looks at the top hashtags overall. Here is the list; and Im not seeing a lot of brand tags? Most mentioned hashtags were:
- #superbowl: 25,817
- #sb48: 18,618
- #bestbuds: 4,513
- #seahawks: 4,484
- #esurancesave30: 3,879
- #clydesdales: 2,191
- #gohawks: 1,433
- #broncos: 1,211
- #seattleseahawks: 1,183
- #legionofboom: 1,092
- #seattle: 987
- #budweiser: 980
- #nfl: 949
- #superbowlxlviii: 864
- #empowering: 797
If we look at the hashtag tracking we see the top 6 hashtags (including Puppybowl) come in at: 1.2 million
Which ever way you cut the numbers, seems to me 11 million tweets about the game versus 600,000 thousand/1 million related to brands?
And you thought the game was one sided….looks like the fan and brand game was one sided too? Just a thought that gives a little perspective on all the marketing hype we hear or read…