Content Marketing Skills Challenge

content-marketer-infographic-100578263-origAs marketing evolves from just broadcasting messages to connecting with customers (often using content online) different skills work their way into the skill mix for marketing teams.

Digidays recent post, “Marketers: We struggle to get internal buy-in for branded content” quotes 8 marketers from companies like Intel to GE discussing issues that hold their content marketing back.  However, these marketing leaders not only articulate internal buy-in issues, they are also articulating skill requirements.  For example, they talk about:

  • the difficulty of moving from advertising and traditional PR to storytelling skills and what it takes to create effective content that lives in the short-lived online moment;
  • the need for a new focus that goes beyond mass distribution to niche connections;
  • How the objectives of their marketing organizations are changing because they traditionally did not include distribution of content.  Today, organizations must know both how to distribute and how to promote content online;
  • What engaging with customers can require versus how simple it was to buy advertising in mass media;
  • The requirement to define ROI which means having the skills to focus on what should be measured, as well as how to measure effectively. recently noted the need to streamline content creation and to make it easier for marketers to post online without requiring IT involvement, which also can mean adding some IT and coding competencies to the marketers skill set.  They offered this fun graphic look at what a content marketer has to be. From artists to scientist to journalist to SEO expert and more.

To ensure your business has the skills for successful content marketing and successful social efforts across your business, take a look at SME² (Social Media Excellence X Subject Matter Expertise) offering that Shel Holtz and I deliver.

For a little background, here is how we line up some of the skills and competencies needed for success in social:

  • 10 social and digital content skills for effective content marketing efforts;
  • 6 distinct social and digital project management skills for specific social and digital marketing efforts:
  • 7 social specific skills for business, such as community management or social customer service/care;
  • 10 management skills that combine a solid and strategic understanding of social and digital considerations

Let us know if we can help you assess the skills you need and put in place the plan to get there.

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