“We had Richard spend several days with us, listening and then kicking the tires and sharing ideas with functions across our businesses. It was fruitful and left us with lots to think about and do”
“Richard has set an impressive precedent by responding to Dell posts within as little as two hours, often within mere minutes….Perhaps most successfully, has been Richard Binhammer’s personal involvement in Dell’s social media efforts. As a member of the Dell blogger outreach program, he comments on different blogs pertaining to computers and social media.”
“Richard Binhammer is a corporate social media pioneer. A long-standing Dell advocate of all things social, Richard’s work for Dell is living proof that organizations who engage social media reap the rewards. And those that don’t, well we know what happens to them too Richard began by leading Dell’s social media monitoring and response initiatives and was an early adopter for Dell on Twitter and Facebook. (Anyone with a Twitter account since 2007 knows @RBinhammer as a god-like figure!)”
“…that he’s the guy largely responsible for Dell’s pioneering moves in social media over the past four years. While ‘pioneering’ is a strong word (and at the risk of sounding unduly sycophantic after an interstate trip on the company’s dime), I think it’s an apt one, particularly when you check out this chart.”
“Killing ROI in social media… Binhammer is on to something (he usually is). Thinking about business objectives instead of ROI makes the whole strategy that much workable and doable.”
“Binhammer has played a key role in the dramatic turnaround of Dell’s online reputation”; one of the key people responsible for that shift from ‘hate’ to ‘great'”
“Richard’s analysis of survey data on our team’s adoption of social media was insightful. His insights and recommendations not only pulled together the survey data but he also had several innovative ideas that will strengthen adoption and use of social media across the team.”